Software as a Service SaaS

Dies ist unsere Themenseite für SaaS Software as a Service. Sie finden hier ausgewählte Artikel über SaaS und unser SaaS Geschäftsmodell Online Training.

This is the theme page dedicated to SaaS Software as a Service. You will find a number of articles about SaaS and our SaaS business model & KPI online training.

SaaS Business Model & KPI Online Training


Market data: why SaaS is the future and where we are

2technical side of SaaS impacting the business model

Short overview of technical standarts and how they drive costs

3 KPIs of SaaS

All SaaS I subsription model KPIs that matter listed and explained. Including benchmarks

4 The revenue side of SaaS

What are the differences in revenue in a SaaS model. Cash Flow implications and revenue drivers.

5The cost side of SaaS

What are the cost drivers in a SaaS business model and how do they differ to on-premise? Here we have among others hardware, development, CAC and churn. The module also explains how to calculate them. Cash Flow implications.

6Focus on SaaS Sales and other SaaS roles

This modul deals with the different sales steps and roles in a SaaS model like landing and pricing pages and sales reps, customer success manager and the role of the helpdesk.
In contrast to the previous model, the focus is on individual tasks and e.g. metrics in contrast to the global view on the role prior.

7SaaS contracts

An overview of specifics of SaaS contracts and how they interlink with the business model of an online subscription IT service.

8Finding SaaS ideas and market entry

What are SaaS chances today? The unteapped opportunities, Enterprise Apps

Get an impression about the lecturer in an interview with Ari Helgason

Agenda & introduction to the SaaS business model

Introduction: Why SaaS is the future and all about this seminar

Focus of relevant technical aspects

2 technical side of SaaS impacting the business model

Everything about SaaS roles especialy sales

6 SaaS Roles: Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Support - Sales Issues

SaaS ideas and market

Finding SaaS ideas and market entry - What are SaaS chances today? The untapped opportunities like Enterprise Apps

A selection of articles about SaaS and around

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