Focus of relevant technical aspects

2 technical side of SaaS impacting the business model

Short overview of technical standards and how they drive costs
The second module of the SaaS seminar introduces technical issues of importance for the business model.

Performance, requirements for development and software architecture and their interconnectedness with SLAs and contracts of a SaaS offer are in focus.

Content of the module includes:
Overview of a standard SaaS architecture (no deep dive into programming/tech)

System requirements of SaaS architecture
Effects of a SaaS architecture on revenues/cost base
Profile/skill requirements for developers
Product/feature development - discussion

Sources/articles to read:

Cloud Computing Design Patterns (The Prentice Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl) 1st Edition
by Thomas Erl (Author), Robert Cope (Author), Amin Naserpour (Author)
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition (June 14, 2015)

Your product is already obsolete
Des Traynor

Software Development for SaaS is different

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