Agenda & introduction to the SaaS business model

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Introduction: Why SaaS is the future and all about this seminar

The first module of the software as a service business model seminar introduces the agenda and important aspects of SaaS and shows why economically speaking the business model is interesting.

In addition, we go through some market data and developments between 2008 and 2016, talk about category leadership and other advantages of the SaaS model.

Content of the module includes:
Introduction to the course structure, content and used materials
Why SaaS – data about growth and valuations
A comparison of the SaaS and on premise model
A look at SaaS from 2008 to 2016
Insights into SaaS in Europe

Sources/articles to read:

Bessemer SaaS Laws von 2008
Bessemer SaaS Laws von 2016

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