Technology Valuation and Technology Scouting

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Iceventure provides technology valuation and technology scouting tailored for various uses and customer needs. We work with SMEs as well as large corporations on technology scouting and digital transformation.

On behalf of customers, we evaluate and identify technology trends and determine their impacts on the market as well as on specific market actors.

Technology Valuation Desk



  T. Robb


Helping companies realize technology potential

CEOs, CIOs as well as political decision makers are confronted with an overwhelming number of technology trends – 3D printing, sensors, blockchain, AI, machine learning or Industry 4.0. In the end each technology requires a careful valuation and a decision whether one should invest into it or not. The Iceventure team helps with this question combining the discipline of data and information economics with hands on technology knowledge and in dept research.
Valuation projects have two forms – we constantly screen and value technology and make our results available in the form of studies, video briefings or training.
In addition, we offer custom defined research and valuation projects.

Our technology scouting and valuation services

As part of our technology scouting and valuation services, we:
• Scout for, research, and interview new startups and R&D projects to identify their USP and product market fit.
• Build relationships with VCs, research institutes, media and entrepreneurs.
• Use in-depth knowledge of technologies and markets to find and evaluate the product-market fit and economic feasibility of technology implementation
• Assess the economic, monetary and utility value and impact of technology on the internal company level (is this technology useful inside my company?), the product level (is this technology useful in our product?), and the market level (how will this technology influence the overall market and competition?)

Our Team qualifications

The Iceventure team has a cross-functional product development background.
They are passionate about startups and have an extensive and intensive understanding of several different technology industry sectors, including biotech, fintech, energy storage and energy transmission technology, as well as digital technologies like AI and Blockchain.
Iceventure also has access to knowledge and experience in VC, startups, and M&A, as well as the handling of large sets of data records and the management of connections to a wide range of industry contacts.

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