Market Research and Business Intelligence

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Iceventure provides in-depth market research and business intelligence tailored for various uses and customer needs.

Our research approach - uniquely rooted on two worlds macro & technology

Based on the global macro-level background of the founder of Iceventure, we are convinced that the global macro view and the understanding of macroeconomic mega trends is the other side of the coin of individual company development and company success.
This is combined with hands-on industry and real-world experience in various industries which allows us to filter and understand the inner workings of companies.
Based on this credo we offer a unique line of research services that is geared to different customer groups. It combines two different research streams which we combine – financial research and technology impact research.

Focus: Financial research
We understand that financial market customers need to generate alpha and preserve capital, either by reacting to current events or by insuring for the unexpected. We argue that unexpected events are often not that unexpected, yet still often overlooked. Context plays a role and data has to be interpreted – differently in a time of secular change.

Focus: market research, business studies - Technology impact valuation and research
Technology is one of the driving factors of progress and growth and thus highly significant. But not all technology is equal and not every trend leads into a sound investment or business decision. The buzzword “disrupted” is overused and oversimplifying.
Thus it is very important to analyze the impact of a technology on an industry and understand the impact. Based on our knowledge of industry background information and adaption cycles of new technologies, we help investors and companies alike to identify trends, investment potential, and the portfolio fit of companies they might be willing to take over, watch, or invest in.


Target group and users of our research

Market research and business intelligence for family offices, hedge funds, venture capital and private equity

Family offices, hedge funds, venture capital and private equity firms have very specific requirements for the financial information of research results. For these types of organizations, we understand and speak the language of financial markets and understand the mindset of investors without having the pressure of daily market movements and investment decisions.
Based on extensive work around the Euro crisis, we can offer financial investors deep insights into the systemic inner workings in the Euro area and their impact on industries and sectors to entertain ideas like “how the euro crisis broke the social contract of the automotive industry”.
For venture capital investors, which take the most long-term view on equity, we understand the long-term growth requirements, similar to family offices, to preserve capital and produce great companies over long time frames, based on teams and technologies.

Business Intelligence and strategy supplements for company decision-maker

At the same time, the team of Iceventure has a keen interest in new technologies and how they affect existing business models.
We do not think that all sectors can and will be disrupted by new technologies, and we understand that each technology has a different impact on different players. In fact, we argue that these questions of technology impact need to be restated for each case.

For example, we can help you with decisions on whether you should implement a Blockchain development project, if your IT investment is better made in closed or in open-source solutions, or how artificial intelligence can be practically applied to product development and research.
At the same time, all these business strategy questions are complemented by our understanding of large-scale market considerations, the beat of global markets and their forward-looking requirements for business development.


Results of market research or business intelligence performed by Iceventure in most cases include:
  • Market volume and growth rates
  • Industry structure
  • Competitors Pricing
  • Key personnel
  • Industry events driving outlook/future developments
  • Unit costs/Cost structures


Examples of our work

The market for AI based business assistants



Here we list some of the most important macro economic long term trends that influence our thinking and analysis grouped into economics, technology and geopolitical

Economic long-term trends

1) The end of the debt super-cycle

2) The ongoing Euro crisis

3) The declining spending power of the middle classes

4) The rise of the East

5) Mean reversion of wealth-to-GDP


1) The end of B2C tech dominance

2) Testing of real technological innovation at the end of this VC cycle.


1) The end of Bretton Woods and a new era of geopolitical risk.

This will affect especially Germany as leading export nation.

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