Economic Consulting and Global Macro Advice

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We drive the success of our clients with the means of macroeconomic and economic analysis. For this purpose, we combine global macro analytic tools with industry lifecycle models observe global money flow and apply technology impact analysis. 

We are driven by curiosity, a keen understanding of current and future technologies and our understanding of regional, national and global economic context. We provide our insights to clients in form of reports, studies with face-to-face meetings and remote, depending on our clients' needs.


Example - Topics of 2020

• Europe after Covid-19 - The return of the Euro crisis 2.0?
• Automotive at the end of innovation – scenarios and what does it mean for Germany/Europe?
• The elephant in the room - is the current venture capital cycle at the end and what are the implications?
• Geopolitics matters – exporting nations at a crossroads. What de-globalization means.
• How do technology trends like AI, Blockchain or a possible SaaS consolidation impact operations and value chain distribution?

What sets us apart

Iceventure is known for its proprietary research process combining global macro analysis, industry life cycle models, technology cycles and ongoing operative experience. The output are reports e.g. in form of “most contrarian investment thesis” and interactive workshops/meetings with clients to discuss, debate and assess critically the key issues and questions of the day in global markets with a focus on impact perspective for the individual client.

Whom do we impact with our work

Our client focus is twofold. One the one side we serve typical financial investors like Private Equity, VC funds, global asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, retail banks, investment banks and hedge funds,
These organizations are typically interested in well-developed arguments, a regional context and culture and trends on the operational level that impact asset value.
On the other side we consult major corporates, global/growth-oriented SMEs and start-ups. Mostly the focus here is how macro, technology and structural effects impact their industry outlook and day to day operations.
We also advise governments and local organizations that want to base their responses and political programs on a sound framework and fundament.

Our strength is undertaking ground-breaking research. We employ, adapt and create the best analytical tools to address questions that often go into previously uncharted territory.


Iceventure's distinct toolkit

As a generalist, Iceventure’s founder Arnbjörn Eggerz is convinced that the best research tool is curiosity. With a solid background in finance and economics, as well as digital and future technologies, he and the team continue building the company's toolkit and knowledge repositories. Iceventure delivers the benefits of in-depth, high-level analysis of markets, sectors, and technologies, as well hands-on experience in market entry strategy and implementation.

In the following you can find several examples of types of analysis and questions in subcategories of our global macro and economic advisory.

Global macro

Why did the Lehman crisis hit Europe harder than the US?
Why did a small country like Iceland experience such an immense banking collapse in 2008-2010 and was able to put Europe in danger?
What does Asias raise and the new silk road mean?
The overall global macroeconomic climate consists of a myriad of moving parts, not all of which can be accurately predicted. However, the underlying trends and movements can be identified and analysed. We support our clients with a global picture especially in times of secular change.

Economic & Industry lifecycles

What does the end of Automotive mean and how does transformation happen?
How will the debt situation in the EU and its nations play out?
How will VC liquidity impact innovation in the coming economic downturn?
From the high-level view down to concrete microeconomic business questions, the connection between economic cycles and industrial changes can be used to gain an understanding of current market climates.

New technologies

Is Uber really an innovative company?
How to design the incentives in a blockchain-based virtual economy for gaming?
What are the true economic impacts and transformative drivers in the energy storage sector?
Technology is one of the driving factors of progress and growth and thus highly significant. But not all technology is equal and not every trend leads into a sound investment or business decision. The team of Iceventure has a keen interest in new technologies and how they affect existing business models. At the same time, the resulting business strategy questions are complemented by our understanding of large-scale market considerations, the beat of global markets and their forward-looking requirements for business development.

Operating experience

How can the transition of company scaling be optimized to maintain enterprise excellence?
How can digital collaboration tools increase a firm's efficiency and effectiveness?
What is the optimal implementation of project management frameworks for SMEs?
The time of linear relationships and growth is over. The age of networking leads to systemic complexity. This results in a two-fold requirement that flows into all of our projects: the reduction of complexity in concrete steps for a positive change in the status quo, and system changes without destruction.

Psychology & context

Why did mobile payments work in Africa and not in Europe?
Why did Great Britain voted for Brexit and no analyst could foresee it?
Why is Germany so hard on Euro bonds?
These are all questions that have a technical answer, but to really understand the behavior one needs to investigate psychology and context. This type of contextual exploration driven by numbers and data is a key element.

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