AI based Virtual Business Assistants for companies 

The intelligent virtual assistant market is rising and has a more and more impact on the daily business. An intelligent virtual assistant is an engineered entity residing in software that interfaces with humans in a human way. This technology incorporates elements of interactive voice response and other modern artificial intelligence projects to deliver full-fledged “virtual identities” that converse with users.

One main purpose of an intelligent virtual assistant is to answer questions that users may have. This may be done in a business environment, for example, on a business website, with a chat interface. A further main element is the automated completion of tasks, for example scheduling meetings, ordering new stuff for the office or sending mails to customers.

The market itself of IVA’s is highly competitive thus it makes it really hard for a non-expert to find the right Intelligent Virtual Assistant that fits to his requirements.

Problem for companies

Since Virtual Assistants opens a completely new market, most of the companies do not have the knowledge about it. The market offers a great potential, which make it highly competitive and the supply is that great that companies are struggling by choosing the right product. In addition to that, it’s really hard for companies to compare the offered products to each other. In case of integration a virtual assistant to the company’s systems many of them are struggling and it causes the loss of efficiency. Without an expert knowledge, they may adopt the wrong VA that is not fitting to their requirements and instead of losing working tasks, they gain even more.

The report

Our report includes all the key players and leading startups. Each of them will described with their main attributions. We also show market data and future growth as well as insights about technological and regional market trends.

With our report you get a quick overview about the market and its trends and understand with our help easily which virtual assistant fits to your requirements.


Through our offering you will gain a knowledge of VA that makes you to understand the market, the product, the risk and chances. Furthermore, we will help you with the decision of adopting and integrating the VA and help you through the process. At the end our costumer will takes the VA that fits the most to his requirements and will be more efficient in his processes.

Need more - Your personalized market research and advisory

For our clients we offer a fully personalized market research and advisory about the today’s virtual assistant market. As an experienced consultancy in the area of new technologies, we have a wide network with specialists, experts and startups.

Furthermore, we know exactly the market and the products that fits perfectly for your individual requirements.

We identify and evaluate technology trends and determine their effect on the market and on individual market players.

To set up such a personalized market research, we analyze your company to find out your needs and which processes could be automated by a virtual assistant and advice you which virtual assistant fits to your business and needs the most.

If you’re interested and need more information, please feel free to contact us.

Who we are 

We are a business consultancy situated in Germany and our focus is on various technology sectors. We have an in-depth understanding of the German market, especially in IT, energy storage, and biotechnology.  

Iceventure offers business development and business intelligence on the German market for foreign companies and often deals with aspects around market entry questions. In line with these activities we often cooperate with institutional entities helping them to reach their goals.  
We are primarily active in the field of software and energy storage (business side), but other sectors like machinery tools or electrical engineering are also well known to us from our work.  

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