Artificial Intelligence in businesses

Expert AI Strategy Services

Iceventure offers comprehensive artificial intelligence (AI) consulting services to assist companies implement AI strategies in their business. We help businesses - from SMEs to larger corporations - make sense of AI and turn it into a real, tangible asset. With years of hands-on experience in AI, we know what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t.

Whether you need help developing your AI strategy, bringing AI concepts to fruition, or implementing AI solutions, Iceventure is prepared to guide you through the process.

AI based Virtual Business Assistants for companies 

The intelligent virtual assistant market is rising and has a more and more impact on the daily business. An intelligent virtual assistant is an engineered entity residing in software that interfaces with humans in a human way. This technology incorporates elements of interactive voice response and other modern artificial intelligence projects to deliver full-fledged “virtual identities” that converse with users.

One main purpose of an intelligent virtual assistant is to answer questions that users may have. This may be done in a business environment, for example, on a business website, with a chat interface. A further main element is the automated completion of tasks, for example scheduling meetings, ordering new stuff for the office or sending mails to customers.

The market itself of IVA’s is highly competitive thus it makes it really hard for a non-expert to find the right Intelligent Virtual Assistant that fits to his requirements.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business: 5 Strategic Questions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are reshaping industries at an unparalleled rate, prompting more companies to embrace these technologies. However, the value and competitive advantage derived from technology are not automatic—they require strategic insight and implementation.

 Strategic Considerations for AI in Business:

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