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Scaling in Europe: Understanding the European Scaleup Ecosystem

In the previous entries in our Scaleups series, we explored a number of successful European scaleups and high-growth firms (HGFs), such as Alaiko, De Lift, and nCore. We explained three distinct scaleup profiles: Low Tech – Market Leader, Operational Model – Must Scale, and High Tech – Scale the Technology. Additionally, we examined the five main challenges of scaling a business—such as the do-it-all founder dilemma and managing operational processes during rapid growth—and provided actionable strategies to overcome them.

Today, we expand our focus to the broader European scaleup ecosystem, exploring its unique characteristics and challenges. Our aim is to deepen understanding of what sets Europe apart as a scaleup arena and to outline strategic approaches for navigating its complexities.

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Blog Post on successful scaleups examples in Europe, such as Glovo, DeLift, nCore HR

Scaling a business from startup to scaleup is notably challenging, especially in the fragmented and diverse European market. Entrepreneurs often face hurdles such as market fragmentation, lack of regulatory harmonisation, funding limitations, and cultural and institutional challenges. Nonetheless, a notable number of European startups and SMEs have managed to not only survive but thrive, providing crucial insights into their paths of rapid growth.

In this article, we explore successful scaleup cases as highlighted by the European Scaleup Monitor 2023 and compare them with the most recent insights from the 2024 edition. We also integrate several insights from our own experiences and practice.

Is there a replicable formula for scaling success? What elements are essential to the elusive 'scaling DNA'? And how do specific market demands shape the scaling process?

Our goal is to uncover common patterns among these high-growth European firms, offering practical insights for managers and decision-makers to tackle their own growth challenges and seize new opportunities.

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