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Born out of the demand by foreign investors after 2008, Iceventure’s managing director Arnbjörn Eggerz offers an internet-based service for economic analysis of the euro area. 

Service for e.g. investors (US/EU/world)

Based on extensive work during the height of the Euro crisis (and the Icelandic financial crisis) he covers

  • Origins of the Euro crisis

  • Current updates on the Euro crisis (NPLs / German banking system / positions on Eurobonds)

  • Questions about the Euro design

  • Problems of business models of European countries 

  • Impact of technological change on core industries
  • Were does Covid-19 hit with regards to the system/missing Eurobonds


Specific questions/research tasks by customers are welcome. 


We offer a time-saving way to access highly specialist information with an expert’s filter. 

Core statements of Iceventure:

“The Euro crisis is also in 2018/2019/2020 neither over nor well understood”

“With its core design failures, the Euro is a fixed-exchange rate regime with a central bank, no currency area”


Having lived/worked in Germany, Italy and Iceland and worked in Austria, and speaking different languages which gives me access to news of different Eurozone countries, I miss an international/European view within the predominantly national viewpoints in discussions in the national politics/media and even research.
Thus, I apply an Eurozone-holistic viewpoint whenever possible. 

Eurozone Desk



 A. Eggerz

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