> with the form to the right you book your hours for the task (e.g. 1 hour to read a comprehensive document + 1 hour consultation)
> you describe your issue as best as possible
> after booking you receive an email with detailed instructions how to frame your problem and the possibility to further specify the task for maximum impact by me in your booked time.
You will also receive an invoice and the opportunity propose a date for your appointment
> after settlement of the invoice (PDF of confirmation if in a hurry) our consultation will take place
How does the scheduling work?
After booking hours, we agree on the dates - depending on availability in the next days or at most weeks.
Just book hours - on the right.
FAQs on bookings and procedures of the online startup consulting
F: Can I book your capacity for more than 3 hours?
A: Please contact me per email so we can discuss your ideas.
F: How can you contact me:
A: per email Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or here contact form